Hacktoberfest 2023 Journey: Maintaining SnapURL


Hacktoberfest is always an exciting time in the world of open source. As a long-time open-source enthusiast, I've been part of several Hacktoberfest events in the past, but Hacktoberfest 2023 brought something special. It marked my first Hacktoberfest as the maintainer of SnapURL, a URL shortening and management project.

You can check out my GitHub profile to see the project: github.com/DhananjayThomble


SnapURL is a project that I have been passionate about for a while. It is an open-source URL shortening tool that enables users to shorten and manage their URLs efficiently. We are using the MERN Stack for this web application, and we also have a Chrome extension to support it. When Hacktoberfest started, I decided to open SnapURL for contributions to welcome developers, beginners, and open-source enthusiasts from around the world.

I prepared the repository, set up clear contribution guidelines, and introduced tags to categorize issues, making it easier for contributors to pick tasks of their choice. We utilized GitHub's issue tracker, which served as the central hub for contributors to find tasks, communicate, and share their progress.

In addition, I ensured that every contribution added value to the project. To maintain code quality, we adopted a pull request (PR) review process where PRs were reviewed, and tested before merging. This process helped keep the project organized and efficient. Furthermore, I leveraged GitHub actions workflows and Netlify for a bit of CI/CD

Highs and Lows

Hacktoberfest 2023 was filled with moments of celebration and a few challenges. The biggest accomplishment was witnessing the community's enthusiasm. SnapURL received contributions from talented developers worldwide, and this not only helped us in addressing bugs and adding new features but also brought diverse perspectives to the project.

Furthermore, some contributors reached out to express how working on this project as a team had significantly enhanced their skills and served as a motivational force for their development journey. This aspect was especially rewarding, highlighting the collaborative and empowering nature of open-source participation.

In addition, I had the honor of being recognized by the GitHub Education Community Exchange as the "Maintainer of the Week." https://twitter.com/GitHubEducation/status/1714633733012136203

However, no journey is without its challenges. We faced some complex bugs that initially seemed impossible to fix. But the community came together, shared insights, and collaborated to solve them. This was a testament to the power of open source and the Hacktoberfest spirit.


Before Hacktoberfest 2023, I had been maintaining SnapURL with a very small team. This Hacktoberfest brought growth not just to the project but also to my own skill set. As a maintainer, I had the opportunity to learn from the diverse contributions we received. It improved my code review skills, communication, and collaboration abilities.

Maintaining an open-source project isn't just about writing code; it's also about cultivating a welcoming and inclusive community. SnapURL's objectives have expanded beyond providing a robust URL management tool to creating an environment where contributors can thrive and grow, regardless of their experience.

As the project's maintainer, I'm thrilled to continue advancing SnapURL and developing a platform that empowers both users and contributors. Feel free to reach out to me, and don't forget to check out SnapURL on GitHub: https://github.com/DhananjayThomble/URL-Shortener-App

#hacktoberfest #opensource

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